Saturday, October 31, 2009

Raft Strategy

So I was so excited about trying the raft strategy with my high school music history class. I really thought it was going to go over great, but to my surprise, it was a big flop. What I did was tell the students they were going to create a journal entry as the composer, Robert Schumann, then I told them to make two different entries 1) how he felt when his mother said he had to study law instead of music 2) once he was allowed to study music he started having physical difficulties in his right hand and could no longer play the piano, how did he feel about being unable to play the piano.

I had a hand out, I demonstrated it, explained it several times, asked for questions, on the hand out it had specific directions and the journal entry I had demonstrated and out of 20 students I had 5 who did the assignment correctly. I then decided maybe I wasn't as clear as I should have been so I explained it a second time demonstrated it a second time, gave them another opportunity to complete the assignment and I still had students not doing it correctly.

Now I cannot figure out if it was me or if the students just didn't care, or really didn't understand. I even read some of the journal entries that were correct outloud and explained that was what I was looking for. I thought about maybe trying it again, but I don't know.

Anyone have any suggestions.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We did it!!!!!

I'm so excited, at the football game last night, even thought the team lost, the band "won". Our little marching band (13 in the band, only 9 marched) took the field and marched our half time show. They were able to march and play their instrument and it was ok. These students haven't ever taken the field since they have been in band. The band itself hasn't taken the field in 5 years, so I am so happy and excited with the outcome. My goal was to be able to put the show on the field at homecoming and they reached my goal!! Now the band is so excited and I think they are motivated to a new level, which is also exciting. When I think back to the beginning of the semester and how I felt as if this band was a hopeless situation and now looking at what they accomplished last night feel bad because I feel as if I didn't have enough confidence in my students. However, they showed me what they could do and now I'm going to take that and run with it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Am I getting through?????

I have a survey of fine arts high school class. I am going through the different eras of music starting from ancient music to modern day music. I don't have any text book so all of my lesson plans come from the frameworks. I have to use my college books to create my notes for my lesson. It's not the easiest thing that I have ever done. I know that learning about the different eras of music can be very boring and I am really trying to make it fun, but sometimes I wonder if there is any way. In the next section (Baroque), I'm going to group the students in twos or threes and have them write their own opera. (They won't have to sing it :), the just have to write a story). I'm not sure how this is going to go over, but we'll see.

Sometimes I sit back and wonder are they even learning anything? I really don't want them to be bored but what else can I do? I'm not a fan of looking out over the classroom and seeing blank stares and glassy eyes.

Oh, well, I guess this is one of the not so great days, because there have been days that I go home on cloud nine because it was a great day.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Overwhelmed Much?????

As to my first full week of school.........ahhhh!!!!  I'm seriously beginning to wonder how I am going to complete everything I'm schedule to do at school and all my courses.  Is anyone else drowning the way I am?  I know, I know, take it one day at a time.  I'm trying to have a positive attitude about the entire situation, but I sometimes wonder if I am going to survive.  

Having all music from K to 12 is a little stressful.  This includes high school band, high school choir, general music for 7th and 8th and high school general music.  Then add all the elementary music to that plus games every Friday night away and home.  I am also responsible for having a concert for the elementary, choir and band.  And to top things off I'm expecting my fourth child (a boy) in November.  So overwhelmed is how I feel.

However, even though I feel like I'm drowning, I'm having the best time.  I enjoy teaching people about music, not only how to read and play or sing, but also how it developed into the music we know today.  So as soon as I get this schedule thing down, I think I'll be just fine.