Saturday, October 3, 2009

We did it!!!!!

I'm so excited, at the football game last night, even thought the team lost, the band "won". Our little marching band (13 in the band, only 9 marched) took the field and marched our half time show. They were able to march and play their instrument and it was ok. These students haven't ever taken the field since they have been in band. The band itself hasn't taken the field in 5 years, so I am so happy and excited with the outcome. My goal was to be able to put the show on the field at homecoming and they reached my goal!! Now the band is so excited and I think they are motivated to a new level, which is also exciting. When I think back to the beginning of the semester and how I felt as if this band was a hopeless situation and now looking at what they accomplished last night feel bad because I feel as if I didn't have enough confidence in my students. However, they showed me what they could do and now I'm going to take that and run with it.

1 comment:

  1. That is so great! It's not in the numbers, it's the strenghth of their heart, right?
