Sunday, August 30, 2009

Overwhelmed Much?????

As to my first full week of school.........ahhhh!!!!  I'm seriously beginning to wonder how I am going to complete everything I'm schedule to do at school and all my courses.  Is anyone else drowning the way I am?  I know, I know, take it one day at a time.  I'm trying to have a positive attitude about the entire situation, but I sometimes wonder if I am going to survive.  

Having all music from K to 12 is a little stressful.  This includes high school band, high school choir, general music for 7th and 8th and high school general music.  Then add all the elementary music to that plus games every Friday night away and home.  I am also responsible for having a concert for the elementary, choir and band.  And to top things off I'm expecting my fourth child (a boy) in November.  So overwhelmed is how I feel.

However, even though I feel like I'm drowning, I'm having the best time.  I enjoy teaching people about music, not only how to read and play or sing, but also how it developed into the music we know today.  So as soon as I get this schedule thing down, I think I'll be just fine. 

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